12 - 9 - 17 Talent, Interest, and Utility
Link to Daily Readings “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give." Mt 10:8 But very few of us take vows of poverty or conduct our work pro-bono. What’s the source of this disconnect? Did Jesus mean this metaphorically? Perhaps he just meant the clergy? Or perhaps only itinerant preachers and healers, which we don’t typically experience in our daily lives. I’m trying to wrap my head around it, the way I’m understanding it best is the following. Just as God has freely given us our talents, we are to freely share them with others. God did not withhold the gifts of intellect and compassion, so we are not to withhold our ability to teach from those that desire to learn. God freely gave gifts of physical ability, which should be used to glorify Him. He freely gave artistic ability, good health, every opportunity we have. I think this starts to touch on something that’s been a personal philosophy of mine for a while. It stems from this idea, but also...