7 - 21 - 19 Spiderman (not really) (3 minutes)
I just saw Spiderman: Far from Home and it was pretty entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed it except for some instances of terrible cliché ridden writing. But it got tugging at my heart. This desire for greatness. These delusions of grandeur. I recently wrote in my prayer journal about coming to terms with their fizzling away as I mature. But the movie got me wondering, how can I be a superhero? Why does this appeal so strongly to us? Why does it appeal so strongly to me? Is it a mere egotistic desire to rise above? To be different, especially if that different is better? To be one of Nietzche’s gods? To have people know my name whose name I don’t know. To have power, glory, and honor. There’s a scene where Peter Parker wants a different suit so people don’t know Spiderman is in Europe. But that’s ridiculous. People don’t know Spiderman is Spiderman because he’s wearing a red suit. They know it’s him because of what he does, his abilities. The man’s talents and strengths defin...